Rachel Greenberg,
CEO, Startup Advisor, Business Consultant

ROI Achieved
Founders Created
Client Pre-Orders
Clients Raised in VC
Work With Rachel – Upcoming Seminars Below

Client Business Transformations:

I’ve taken companies from stagnant to exponential growth, seeing as much as 1000%+ Month over Month and Year over Year growth, transforming side hustles into multiple-6-figure businesses producing 5-figure months consistently. I’ve done this for a variety of companies in the online services, B2B, B2C, physical product, and digital product space. I’ve also helped a wide variety of startups and founders prepare to and successfully raise capital, via financial modeling services, pitch deck consultations (and fully done-for-them pitch decks), as well as investor targeting and networking, and advising the optimal fundraising solutions to best suit their business, personal, and professional needs and goals.

Email Marketing Results to 95% COLD Audiences:

I’ve generated on average 20%+ open rates and click rates between 1% and 3% for 95% COLD audiences via email marketing campaigns to a variety of companies and clients. I’ve also on average generated a 7x return (revenue) on clients’ customer acquisition cost from COLD leads, producing 6+ figures for some clients within just 2 and 3 months and resulting in the lowest customer acquisition cost among all their marketing channels (often less than 20% of starting CAC).

Words from a few standout startups I’ve worked with over the past decade…

(Of these companies, one got to IPO and reached a $1 BILLION+ Valuation, another expanded to 500+ locations, raised hundreds of thousands in funding, and ultimately sold for a 7+ figure valuation (while the two co-founders retained 80% equity), and the other has been featured across every major publication you can think of, from Shark Tank to Oprah to Buzzfeed, etc., and saw sales explode to over $100k+ per month, raised hundreds of thousands from a top private equity firm, & has big expansion plans + a possible lucrative exit…)

“We met Rachel at a critical time in our business – we had some interest from an investor, but weren’t sure if it was the right path for us. Rachel’s knowledge of finance, business, and marketing are unmatched – and just what we needed. Within just a month, she helped us add 2 new pipeline products and increased our valuation by over a million dollars. She has been truly invaluable, and if you get the chance to work with her, you should jump at it.”

Erin M. & Michael B.

Top-Selling Seminars Offered & Upcoming
(Limited Availability)

Direct Marketing & Sales Funnel + Analytics Explained Seminar

  • Generate 30% Email Open Rates
  • Achieve 10x Minimum ROI (no ads)
  • Advanced Automation & Tagging
  • Make the Most of User Analytics
  • Attendee Q&A (Bring Your Funnel Qs)
  • Plus Worksheets, Tools, & Resources

Focus Groups & How to Launch Your Biz for <$10K with No Ads Seminar

  • Use Focus Groups as 1st Adopters
  • Generate first $10k with ZERO $ Ads
  • Social Proof and Free PR –> Sales
  • Turn Validation + Testimonials –> Stats
  • Attendee Q&A (Bring Your Launch Qs)
  • Plus Worksheets, Tools, & Resources

Bootstrap Your Biz for <$1k; Technology for Non-Technical Founders Seminar

  • FREE (or nearly-free) Tech –> Launch
  • Master these Basic Tools (No Code)
  • Low-Cost Marketing Automation
  • Find High-Tech Talent for a Low-Cost
  • Attendee Q&A (Bring Your Tech Qs)
  • Plus Worksheets, Tools, & Resources

Funding Crash Course, Bootstrap vs VC, What I Look for as an Advisor & Investor

  • Pros & Cons of Funding Options
  • Funding Alternatives – Right for You?
  • Minimum TAM & Size for VC
  • What Investors & Advisors Really Want
  • Attendee Q&A (Bring Funding Qs)
  • Plus Worksheets, Tools, & Resources

Direct Marketing & Sales Funnels & List Analytics (30% Open Rates and 10x ROI on Email Alone)

Focus Groups to Launch for Free, Generate First $10k with No Ads; Social Proof, PR, Focus Groups, Success Stories

Bootstrap Your Biz for <$1k, Tools and Tech for a Non-Technical Founder

So You Think You Need VC? Here’s Why You Should Bootstrap First and How You Should Do it – Plus Bonus: What I Look for as an Advisor and Angel or Syndicate Investor

Seminars all full, but still want to get in touch or inquire about getting on the waiting list?
Send over an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you.

Click Here and Fill Out the Form to Book a Call and inquire About 1-on-1 Options

Just a few of the entrepreneurs I’ve helped…

From his dorm room to the boardroom, we took Taylor’s idea from pitch deck to the board room. He built Uconnection into a nation-wide company, and in 2016, sold the business – staying on for another year to see out the 500+ campus expansion!
– Taylor M.

James and the Food Truck Friendly team are creating a whole new marketplace for property owners and food truck operators. They’ve already gotten into one accelerator and are working on closing their first round of angel funding!
– James W.

Erin and Michael were ready to scale their calming dog treat startup. With the financial model & pitch deck I created, they scored 6-figures in funding at a 7-figure valuation from a top venture capitalist!
– Erin M. and Michael B.

Tyson built his dog leotard company from a basement to the Shark Tank stage! He got to 7-figures with ~ZERO ad spend, retaining 80% margins, and landed a deal with millions watching!
– Tyson W.

Paul and his family went from farmers’ market sales to national distribution and raised their second round of funding ($250k) at a 7-fig valuation!
– Paul C. and the GoSpiral Family

Tiffany turned her marketing background into a full-service marketing & advertising agency, covering everything from logos to lead gen!
– Tiffany G.

And hundreds more…will you be one?

Want to Work With Me 1-on-1?

Click Here and Fill Out the Form to Book a Call and inquire About 1-on-1 Options

Custom Marketing Plans & Launch Strategies (Hands-On Implementation Optional)

Custom Financial Models (or Financial Consulting to Increase Profit Margins and Add Revenue Streams)

Investor Pitch Deck Creation (or Assistance, Analysis, and Feedback)

Business Transformation: Rebranding, Revamping, and Reviving Stagnant or Declining Businesses

A La Carte Marketing & Tech Implementation (Ad Copy and Creative, Sales Funnel Building, Email Marketing Campaigns)

Rachel Greenberg 

Wall-Street investment-banker-turned-entrepreneur and business consultant

  • Business Degree from UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School
    > Dual Concentrations in Entrepreneurship & Finance
  • Wall Street investment banking and asset management experience
    > JP Morgan (Asset Management)
    > Piper Jaffray (Mergers & Acquisitions)
    > Wells Fargo Securities (Mergers & Acquisitions)
  • Founded and co-founded 5 businesses in 5 years:
    > 2 in the tech space (exits in 2016 and 2019) 
    > 2 in the digital product & e-learning space
    > 1 in the consulting & business services space
    > Founder & CEO of Beta Bowl, the #1 youth-focused virtual entrepreneurship program that brings business, finance, and startup education to adolescents and teens, and has been featured in Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, NY Wire, LA Wire, Raising Teens, Potential Magazine, and more

So many aspiring, first-time entrepreneurs are building businesses that change lives – theirs and those around them. Are you ready to change yours?